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Who are We?

WingSpan Press was created in 2004 out of frustration with the traditional publishing industry’s focus on sales over quality (e.g. Vanna White and Pam Anderson are best-selling authors…and you’re not). And frustration with the catch-22 nature of the agent/publisher loop (ever had an agent tell you ‘we only deal with published authors’?) Frustration with the loss of control once you do get over those hurdles. And frustration with poor royalties paid on top of poor customer service.

So we looked into self-publishing – only to find the print-on-demand industry overrun with scams, hacks, and even some well-meaning people, none of whom seemed focused on what authors need to make their books successful.

Out of that frustration grew WingSpan Press, a group of writers helping writers achieve their dreams at a fair price while allowing them to earn a good return on their investment. Our focus is on quality and customer service. Our business rules are simple: Tell people the truth, and do what we say we’ll do.

We’re willing to answer all your questions and help you understand the ins and outs of self-publishing before you sign an agreement or lay out any money. We’re constantly striving to provide services to assist you in positioning your book for success, including excellent design, distribution, marketing tools, online sales, and customer support.

Many of our authors published their first book with another self-publishing company, wound up frustrated with poor quality, poor service, low royalties, and high prices, and sadder but wiser, came looking for a company that treats them like professionals, provides value, and produces a quality book everyone can be proud of. And when those authors publish their next book, they come back to WingSpan Press. 

Time and again, we’re reminded what a jungle it is out there and what a rare company we are. Like you, we were writers first – and it shows.