Fix My File!
Oops! Something went wrong with my file.
Waitspec notice! Insufficient resolution! Incorrect trim and bleed!
There you were, thinking you had this publish-it-yourself thing under control when you either hit a wall, usually technical, or your chosen publishing platform sent you a polite note telling you that one or more of your files failed their quality control check.
Things may look fine on your computer, but when it comes to the detailed technicalspecifications required by Ingram Spark, Lightning Source, Kindle and the rest, there’s nosubstitute for having produced literally thousands of books.
We’ll help you set things right. We will review the problem, decode the errors and let you know exactly what you need to do to fix your file, or we’ll gladly fix it for you and return your files error-free and ready to upload.
We’ve helped hundreds of do-it-yourselfers through the detailed maze that confronts you whenyou decide to go it alone. From something as simple as embedding fonts to fixing colorspace errors to creating the required pdf-x/1a files they’re asking for, let WingSpan Press get you back on the road to success. Get the help you need to get it right. Contact us today.