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Make a Splash in the Marketplace

The key to getting sales is making your book, and yourself, known.

To get people interested in your book, you have to get them interested in you and your story.

Below you’ll find tools to help you do just that – get reviews, attract media, give people something to remember you by.

Amazon Look Inside – $100
We’ll create and upload an Amazon version of your book for their Look Inside program. When browsers view your book listing, they’ll be able to look at a few random pages of the interior to get a sense of what the book is about and how it’s written before they buy.
(Included with Select and Premium packages)

Google Book Search submission – $50
When people search for books on Google your book will be available for review, with links to major retailers for purchase. Buyers will be able to look at sample pages to get an idea of what your book is about. Inclusion on Google also increases your internet exposure.
(Included with Select and Premium packages)

Ingram Advance Magazine – $125
Ingram Christian Advance Magazine – $125
Ingram Children’s Advance Magazine – $125
Advance, the flagship trade publication of the Ingram Book Group, the nation’s largest book distributor, is sent monthly to 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians, and in electronic format to over 27,000 international and domestic customers. Content appropriate books may also be placed in the specialized Christian or Children’s editions. We’ll include a b&w image of your cover, retail pricing info, and a short description of your book.
(Listing in Advance included in Premium package)

Bookmarks and postcards.
Leave a good impression. Great for handouts, mailings, or to leave on the counter at your local bookstore. These are good quality stock branded with your book’s cover, description, and technical information and will make a good impression on media and retail.
500 Postcards – $250
500 Bookmarks – $250
(Included with Premium package)