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Black and White Package

Premium Black & White


With Wingspan’s Premium publishing package, your book can really start to shine. Included are all the features and options from our Standard and Select packages, along with additional enhancements to make your book the very best it can be.

Included are:

  • Custom interior layout.
  • Your choice from a wide selection of trim sizes and binding options.
  • Custom full-color cover design. We can work with your own cover image or design if you have one, or even your own designer if you’ve hired an outside professional.
  • ISBN and bar code, Library of Congress Catalog Number, International copyright, Worldwide availability.
  • Publication in softcover, Kindle and ebook editions, and optional hardcover edition. Your hardcover can be published and made available for sale online beside your softcover edition, or it can be reserved for your ordering and personal use. Talk to your customer service representative about this option.
  • Your book will be included in Google Book Search, and Amazon Look Inside.
  • We’ll feature it on our Facebook page and provide a link for your page.
  • Your book will be listed in the Books in Print online database.
  • UK & EU direct distribution so your book can be ordered locally in the UK and Europe.
  • Up to 50 interior b&w images. A great feature for memoirs.
  • Professional library cataloging service for your copyright page.
  • Library of Congress copyright registration.
  • Inclusion in Ingram Advance magazine’s monthly publication to 7000 librarians and retailers.
  • A printed proof of your book for your review before it’s finalized for publication.
  • 500 postcards and 500 booksmarks featuring your book’s cover and availability information.
  • Up to three rounds of 25 changes and corrections at no additional charge.
  • After publication, we’ll send you up to twenty free copies of your book*, and we’ll set up an author account for you so that you can track monthly sales and purchase copies of your book for just 50% of the retail price.
  • Nothing goes to print without your approval. Your book will remain in print for one year after publication; you’ll be able to keep it in print after that time for our low renewal rate of $20 per year per edition. If at any time you decide to remove your book from publication, all it takes is an email. You retain all rights. No hassles.
  • PLUS – your book will be fast tracked with our expedited publishing service. Your customer service rep and designer will go to work on your book immediately. You can see the first draft in as little as two weeks.
  • And as always, you get our world-class customer service with one-on-one publishing consulting.

Other options are available on our Marketing and Add-on Services pages.
Talk to your customer service representative today!

*up to $100 value, shipping included.