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Upon execution of this agreement and delivery of all necessary material by Author, Publisher will publish Work in the agreed upon format, and, unless otherwise stipulated by Author, make Work available for wholesale distribution and sale through Ingram Book Group for a period of one year. At the end of the first year of publication, Publisher will deduct then-current catalog fee from outstanding royalties, or issue invoice for same to Author. Renewal fees unpaid for 90 days will result in cancellation of this agreement and removal of Work from publication.
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Publisher will affix ISBN and bar code to the Work.
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6. Royalties
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Upon Author’s acceptance of this Agreement and Publisher's acceptance of Author's manuscript for publication, an ISBN will be assigned to Work. Following assignment of ISBN, Author shall not be entitled to a refund of the cost of Publication.
9. Term and Exclusivity
This Agreement is nonexclusive with regard to publication and distribution of the Work. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause. In the event of termination by Author, Author agrees to reimburse Publisher for all production work done prior to notice of termination. Author's breach of any terms of this Agreement shall be cause for termination of this agreement and render null and void Publisher's further responsibility for production and delivery of finished Work. Publisher and Author agree to notify one another promptly of any breach or claim for indemnity under this Agreement. Author agrees to pay promptly all outstanding balances owed to Publisher regardless of breach or termination of this Agreement. Publisher reserves the right to keep Work available for sale and distribution until all outstanding balances are paid, and to retain royalties against such balances until balances are paid in full.
Publisher shall make every effort to have work published within 90 days of Author's submission of all required materials and corrections. If Author fails to provide required materials or return proof corrections within one year of the date of this Agreement, then Agreement shall be null and void and Publisher shall bear no further responsibility for publication of Work. In such case, Author shall not be entitled to a refund.
Notice of termination by either party shall be given with ten days written notice sent by certified mail. Notice to Author shall be at address provided by Author. Notice to Publisher shall be at P.O. Box 2085, Livermore, CA 94551.
10. Whole Agreement
This Agreement contains the sole and entire contract between the parties and shall supersede any and all other prior agreements between the parties.
This Agreement may not be modified or amended except as agreed to in writing by both parties.
The provisions herein shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.
11. Law and Venue of Agreement
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12. acknowledgements
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